Govt orders creation of 1083 teacher posts for Ladakh UT

JK News Live

Govt orders creation of 1083 teacher posts for Ladakh UT

Bhat Imran

Srinagar, Jan 27 (KNO): The government of Jammu and Kashmir Friday ordered for creation of 1083 posts of teacher Grade-II and III for Ladakh besides it also approved the creation of 104 gazetted and 382 non-gazetted posts for transfer to Union Territory.

In an order, the General Administration Department (GAD) has said that the posts were created and transferred to Ladakh in apportionment of assets, liabilities and posts of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir between the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh that has been notified vide in October-2020.

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), GAD has said, “SO 339 of October-2020 provides for detailed listing of additional 325 Gazetted and 3000 non-gazetted posts from overall strength of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir to the Union territory of Ladakh.”

“In 2021, the School Education Department has transferred 1284 Non-Gazetted posts including 1083 supernumerary posts of Teacher Grade II and III, to the Union territory of Ladakh and after considering list of posts provided by Union territory of Ladakh, 1756 additional posts including 221 gazetted and 1535 non-gazetted were transferred to Union Territory of Ladakh,” it reads,

The JK government also said, “General Administration Department of Union Territory of Ladakh in 2021 shared revised list of additional 104 Gazetted and 382 non-gazetted posts for detailed listing and also requested to transfer regular 1083 Teacher Grade II and III posts instead of supernumerary posts.”

It said that the JKGAD was further intimated that if the posts were not available in a particular department, the posts from other departments with similar nomenclature and pay levels shall be considered and if no such posts are available, then posts of similar pay levels may be apportioned to Union Territory of Ladakh

The government said that a High-level meeting held under the chairmanship of Union Home Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India was held on November-16-2022 and it was decided that the Government of Jammu and Kashmir shall get the remaining posts created including the 1083 supernumerary posts of Teacher Grade-II and III and list the same for transfer to Union Territory of Ladakh.”

“The Finance Department vide has conveyed concurrence to the creation of 486 posts including 104 gazetted and 382 non-gazetted for transfer and listing in favour of the UT of Ladakh in terms of S0 339 and accordingly, the administrative Council in January-2023 has approved creation of 104 gazetted and 382 non- gazetted and 1083 substantive posts of teachers for transfer to the UT of Ladakh in terms of SO 339,” it reads.

JKGAD also said, “Now therefore, sanction is accorded to the creation 104 gazetted and 382 non-gazetted posts in the pay levels indicated for transfer to the UT of Ladakh. Further, sanction is also accorded to creation of 1083 posts of Teacher Grade-Il and III in applicable pay levels as per the relevant recruitment rules for transfer to UT of Ladakh with immediate effect.”—(KNO)

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