School Edu Deptt seeks list of Pvt schools functioning on Govt land for implementation of RTE to EWS students

JK News Live

Bhat Imran

Srinagar, Apr 25 (KNO): The School Education Department Tuesday sought list of all private schools functioning from government land and ordered its management to compulsorily admit 25 percent of students from weaker section from their catchment areas.

According to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Director of School Education Kashmir (DSEK), in a communique to Chief Education Officers (CEOs) of the region has asked to implement the free and compulsory education to children from weaker and disadvantaged sections by private unaided schools under section 12 (1) C of RTE Act 2009.

DSEK said that RTE, Act Section 12 (1) C envisages that all private unaided schools have the responsibility to dispense and provide free education to children from weaker and disadvantaged sections and admit at least one-fourth that is 25 percent of the total strength of class-I or pre-school education.

It further said, “All those private schools which are functioning on state land shall compulsorily admit the 25 percent of students from weaker section of their catchment area by properly publicizing the admission.”

The director of the region in this regard has requested all the CEOs to immediately furnish the list of all Private Schools functioning on the state land immediately.

Pertinently, the section 12 (1) (c) of the RTE Act, 2009 fixes the responsibility of private unaided schools to provide free and compulsory education to children from weaker and disadvantaged sections by admitting at least one- fourth of the total strength of class I or pre-school education—(KNO)

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