●12th April: Partly to Generally cloudy with Light to moderate Rain (Light snow over few higher reaches) at many places with thunder/Hailstorm and gusty winds at few places towards late A/N/ evening.
●13-14th April:Generally cloudy with Light to moderate Rain/Snow (higher reaches) at many places with Heavy Rain/thunder/Lightning/Hailstorm and Gusty winds at isolated places.
●15-18th April:Partly to Generally cloudy with Light Rain/Snow (higher reaches) at few places.
●19-20 thApril:Partly cloudy with Light Rain/Snow at many places.
●Farmers are advised to suspend farm operations till 15th April.
●Temporary Disruption of surface transportation over few higher reaches during 13-14th April.
●Travellers & Tourists are advised to plan accordingly.
●Temporary water logging in few Low lying areas.
●Possibility of Landslides/Mudslides and shooting stones.