Srinagar, DeDec0 Over one lakh vehicles falling under the category of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) category have been declared unfit in Jammu and Kashmir, an official data shows.
Official data accessed by news agency—Kashmir news observer (KNO), states that 110,793 transport vehicles lack valid fitness certificates, while 154,020 non-transport vehicles are not validly registered. Also, 7,742 vehicles have had their registration certificates cancelled till December 17 20204.
According to the Motor Vehicles (Registration and Functions of Vehicle Scrapping Facility) Rules, 2021, and the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, ELVs are defined as vehicles that are either no longer validly registered, declared unfit through Automated Fitness Centres, or have had their registrations cancelled.
Vehicles not tested within 180 days of the last fitness test or the expiration of their fitness certificate also qualify as ELVs.
As per the rules notified by the Central government, these vehicles are to be scrapped at Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs).
The establishment of such facilities and strict enforcement of the scrapping process will not only reduce road hazards but also contribute to environmental sustainability by ensuring the responsible disposal and recycling of vehicle components—(KNO)
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