JK News Live
(FAHEEM UL ISLAM)Interviewer: What motivated you for being a social activist ?

Interviewee: well,i was a novice and had not any know how of what activism is. It was just after i saw

few people around me falling a prey to drugs ,unfortunately many of whom lost their lives because of

this menace. I decided to do something to free my society from the clutches of this deadly evil. The

problem of drug addiction was one of the main reasons of being a social activist. I resolved to create

awareness about the abominable outcome of drug addiction among the youth,the children and

everyone around us.

2. Was the decision of joining the activism a choice or passion?

Ans: it was not a choice actually but a passion as i was determined to start my combat against this lethal

menace. I planned to educate the people by countering the false information being provided to them. I

must mention here the part media plays in adding a fuel to the fire of this evil like the bollywood

movies,soaps or other telecasted programs give a storm of hype to the use of drugs and u

fortunately,our youth follow them,thus falling a prey to this . So it was in my mind to take the youth out

of this ,to give them opportunitues to utilise their talent and potential rather than giving an air to these

immoral practices.

3. What is the agenda of your org?

Ans: The main agenda is* a drug free state*

Q4. 4.Did u ever feel any obstructions when you had made up your mind of being an activist?

Ans: For achieving something, struggle is a part and parcel. So was the case with me. When I came up

with this idea,my family strongly opposed. I struggled a lot to reach to the position where i am

Now. But i feel jubilant that depsite the struggles,i made it to this place.

5. What was your family’s reaction on your decision?

Ans: As i already said, my family did not back me. I had to suffer opposition from them. Still,without

considering all those constraints,i was determined to continue with my dream and accomplish it.

6.Achivements of your organization?
Ans: I am quite delighted to announce that our organisation has disbursed 1200 scholarships to students
from our valley for the newly introduced course of DATA SCIENTIST. We have been successful in
introducing this course in our state and Alhamdulillah within 1 year,we will produce our own DATA
When you dream big, achievements are accomplished step by step. This is the first stepping stone
towards success and we dream of introducing further new courses that students will be benefited with.
8.After a year,where do you see your org from now?
Ans: From a year now,I find our Organisation one of the international acclaimed organisation with more
feathers added to its cap. We hope the goals we set each passing year are successfully accomplished.

9. MESSAGE for our viewers
Ans: Never stop achieving once you set your goals. Keep focussing on your dreams and no one can ever
stop you once you are determined.

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