Morchella Esculenta or commonly known as Morel mushroom is the highly prized edible mushroom. In my language, it’s called “Kangitchh” or “Gitchh”.
Morel Mushrooms are said to be really costly and are often used in culinary dishes, however, aside from culinary uses, morel mushrooms are also used for medicinal purposes.
They have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including high blood pressure, headaches, and fatigue.
In addition, there are many uses of morels, industrial use, it has nutritional value and so on but according to some sources, there is limited scientific evidence to support these uses. In a nutshell, we can say that morels are precious and versatile mushrooms.
I don’t know all the places where morels grow, but little did I know is that they are mostly found in areas with moist soil and a temperate climate.
Morels tend to grow in spring. According to Wiki, Morchella esculenta is commonly found in Europe, Asia, and North America. And because Kashmir is in the Asian continent, so morels grow here as well. Anyway, I have been finding or let me say haunting Morchella Esculenta since childhood.
Back in early and late childhood, I would go to the orchards to find these valuable mushrooms. At that time I wasn’t aware about its uses, it’s value.
I mean I was just trying my best to find the morels as much as I can only for a hundred rupee note.
I have been hearing from my Friends that they sold their findings and got 500 rupees, a thousand or even two thousand, but to be honest, I never got well over two hundred rupees. I used to find from dawn until dusk, then I would sell them for the money.
That money was honestly the best kind of pocket money back in early childhood.
Today, I went to find morels again with my brother in a nearby apple orchard. I couldn’t find any but luckily, my brother found this trio!
I don’t know if morels are really valuable to everyone, but for the children, morels are more precious than gems.