Weather Forecast for the next 7 days
16 June Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 9-12 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 40%
17 June
Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 9-13 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 30%
18 June
Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 9-11 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 40%
19 June
Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 11-13 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 25%
20 June
Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 11-13 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 20%
21 June
Mostly dry. Possibility of a short thundershower in a few areas towards late afternoon/evening.
Sunshine: 12-14 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 20%
22 June
Dry weather.
Sunshine: 13-14 hrs
Precipitation Probability: 10%
Note: The possibility of thundershowers will further decrease in the coming days.
Temperature in Kashmir plains may reach 33°C in the next week, and in Jammu plains, it may reach 43°C.
Regards: Kashmir Weather
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