OBC Adhikar Tiranga rally concludes, reiterates demand for 27% reservation

JK News Live

Ashik Khan

The Eighth O.B.C.ADHIKAR TIRANGA YATRA lead by Sh.Kasturi Lal Basotra ( D.S.P-Retd) Chairman Jammu & Kashmir O.B.C.Mahasabha along with Mohan Lal Pawar, Gen.Secretary,O.B.C Mahasabha , Sh.Faquir Chand Satia,President All India Backward Classes Fedration,Sh.Darshan Kumar Mehra,Chairman, Kashyap Mahasangh, Sh.Kewal Fotra, General Secretary All J&K Sain Samaj, Bushan Kumar Verma , Vice-Chairman OBc Mahasabha, All J&K O.B.C.Welfare Forum ,Srinagar,Abdul Qadir,GeneralSecretary, Dhobi Welfare Central Committee, Ashok Kumar of Deblerh ,Manohar Lal Tidyal,Chief Advisor,Sh.Amit Kumar Mehra,Leader Youth wing, Ravi Dogra – Secretary Kashyap Rajput Sabha,Sh.Sonu Kashyap-Secretary OBC-Mahasabha, Balwant Katria,Vice-Chairman Vishwakarma Library and Bansi Lal Choudhary,Convener O.B.C Adhikar Tiranga Yatra which was started from Hari singh Park Jammu held number of constitutional rights awareness programmes for O.B.C samaj and their duties towards their nation and also held peaceful rallies at Dhansal-Tehsil,Shanoo-village, Manwal-town on 26.02.2024 and further on 27.02.2024 this O.B.C.Adhikar Tiranga Yatra passes through Gole-Market Udhampur,Mukherjee Bazar and reaches Katra City where a awareness programme and a rally was held.

Then on 28.02.2024 this Adhikar Tiranga yatra started a peaceful rally from Kabir Sabha Reasi and after passing through Main Bazaars of Reasi via Zanana Park and moves towards Tehsil Sunderbani( Distt.Rajouri) after holding awareness programmes and rallies programmes at Kheral-village,Pouni Town,Devak-village and Phambla.

On 29.02.2024 a peaceful rally-cum-awareness programme was held in the main chowk of Sunderbani Town and passes through main Bazaars via shiva-jee Chowk and back and then held a peace rally programme in the main Bazars of Akhnoor Town and this culminated this yatra after a big show at Akhnoor.

The devotees of this Yatra kept the Indian Constitution on their heads like KALSH raise slogans JAI-SAVIDHAN JAI-SAVIDHAN, SAVE-CONSTITUTION SAVE-INDIA at public places while passing through main cities/Towns/Villages and also for the implementation of our fundamental constitutional rights of 27% reservation as per Article 15(4),15(5),16(4),16(5),and 340 guaranted by the Hon’ble supreme court of India verdict dt.16.11.1992 on Mandal commission report.

During this yatra programme a message was also conveyed to the Union Govt. and JK-UT Govt. for which the OBC masses raised in their slogens that

The 11-12% reservation for JK-UT OBC Masses is not acceptable to JK-UT OBC’s as their population is 42% at present keeping in view 32% as per census-1931.Implement 27% reservation in JK-UT Govt.services like in central Govt. Secondly 27% in Panchayats and in Municipal Corporations /Municipalities committees and 10% is not acceptable.

As The Modi Govt.has committed in the big rallies at Maulana Azad Stadium Jammu and at Hiranagar during the Assembly elections in 2014 of Jammu & Kashmir that JK-UT OBC masses will have 27% reservation as in the central Govt. after the Abrogation of Article-370.But the Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh.Narinder Modi Govt.is betraying from his promise which means to say that Sh.Modi makes only fake promises to only to win the elections.Sh.Modi remembers only Gujjar-Bakarwals and Phari-speaking peoples and give them both reservations i.e in JK-UT service and in Union Govt,services and secondly Political reservation. He forgot his promise with the JK-UT OBC masses of 27% reservation.

Sh.Kaka Manni,Working President of Udhampur District of O.B.C Adhikar Tiranga Yatra  said that  the Govt. of India should done the Caste census which was stopped after 1931 and in the caste census there should be a separate column for OBC’s.


    Sh.Naresh Kumar Verma,President of Reasi Unit  detailed that Jammu & Kashmir Govt.implemented EWS 10% reservation in JK-UT Govt.services  without sitting any commission and without calculating EWS (other than S/c,S/T and OBC) population  in implementing the 10%EWS (other than S/c,S/T and OBC) in JK-UT Govt.services only by saying that now Jammu & Kashmir is a UT and all central Laws are now directly applicable to Jammu & Kashmir.But for 27% reservation for JK-UT  OBC’s identified by  Mandal commission in JK-UT Govt.services the erstwhile Jammu & Kashmir Governments and the Present BJP Govt.made commissions and commissions since 1956 headed by Non-OBC Chairman & members who kept the Mandal commission  identified JK-UT OBC’s away from their fundamental  constitutional rights of 27% reservation.The Chairman   Justice G.D.Sharma  of Socially & Educationally Backward classes commission who has adopted the discriminatory behaviour towards OBC’s .Moreover he has attained the age of 92 years the Modi Govt.is extending his period for six month twicely who is working against the Mandal commission identified OBC castes and communities of Jammu & Kashmir.This commission should be disbanded as he is working against OBC’s.


Sh.Abdul Majid  President of  Rajouri District and Sh.Ravinder Magotra Urf Billu Jee President Akhnoor unit  detailed General Masses in their speeches.


1)      The Union Govt.should immediately release the Scholarships for OBC students.

2)      The creamy layer on OBC masses should be abolished like Schedule caste and scheduled Tribes.


3)       That the word RURAL is still standing in the central list of Other Backward Classes despite the deletion of this RURAL word by Jammu & Kashmir Govt.S.R.O:-124 of 2000. Due to which the masses of Barber,Kumhar,Dhobi and Teeli residing in Urban areas are not getting their OBC certificates.

4)      The Yogi and Bowria castes should immediately be entered in the central list of OBCs as they were entered in the  JK-UT  lists OBC’s vide S.R.O:-408 di.19.06.2019

5)      The JK-UT Govt. immediately solve the matter of OBC  selected candidates for Sub-inspector and Junior Engineers.


The Others who also accompanied the yatra were Sh,Rahul Mehra, Ajay Kumar Tirpathi,

Romesh Kumar Kashyap,Varinder Kumar Mehra,Kulwant Verma, Som Raj Verma, Abdul Rashid,Mohd Yunis,Abdul Hameed,Abdul Latif,Mohd Shrif,Mohd Saleem,Yash Pal Verma, Garoo Ram Verma Urf.Baba Jee,Mohan Lal Verma,Sham Lal of Manwal,Vijay Kumar Kashyap,Sushil Verma,Garoo Ram Kashyap,Vijay Kumar Prajapati.

Abdullah Al Imran

Abdullah Al Imran is an Editor of jknews live. He is known for his splendid contribution on tech sector

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