JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024: Apply for 4002 posts from August 08 at jkssb.nic.in, Check Post Details and Instruction for Filling of Online Application Form,
JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024: The Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has invited online applications for the recruitment of 4002 posts of Constable in J&K Police in the Home Department, against Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2024. The Application process will begin on 08 August 2024 and the last date to apply is till 07 September 2024. The candidates can register for JK Police Constable Vacancy 2024, directly, by clicking on the link below:
The selection process involves a Written Test (The Syllabus for the posts shall be notified separately on JKSSB website soon), a Physical Standard Test (PST), and a Physical Endurance Test (PET). As per the official notification, the candidates selected for J& Police Constable post will get a monthly pay scale of Level-2 (19900-63200).
Interested candidates can check the details of the recruitment drive from the below official notification. This recruitment drive aims to fill 4002 Constable vacancies in the J&K Police Department. Interested and eligible candidates are required to apply online through the JKSSB Website, https://jkssb.nic.in. Candidates who want to apply for the posts shall be Domiciles of The UT of J&K and must possess a valid Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.
Vacancy Details of JKSSB JK Police Recruitment 2024
JKSSB has announced 4002 Constable vacant posts in various fields in the Director General of Police (Home Department) of J&K Police.
Name of Post: Constable – 4002 Posts
Salary: Rs. 19,900 – 63,200/-
Application Fee of JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024:
The application fee is Rs. 700/-. In case of candidates belonging to SC, ST-1, ST-2 and EWS category, the fee payable shall be Rs. 600/-. The fee can be paid through online mode- net banking, credit card or debit card. Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and shall be summarily rejected.
How to Apply – JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024?
Below we have the steps to apply for the JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024 for the ease of candidates:
Visit the official website at jkssb.nic.in.
On the homepage, click on the Login tab.
Sign up and create a profile to register.
After registration, Login and apply for the post.
Fill out the application form, upload the documents.
Pay the application fee and submit.
Download the form and take a printout.
Instructions for the submission of Online Application Form for JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024:
The necessary instructions for filling up of online applications for JKSSB Police Constable Posts Recruitment 2024 are as under:
1) Candidates are required to apply through online mode only, by accessing the website of JKSSB www.jkssb.nic.in. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
2) Candidates shall be required to register on the Portal (if not already registered) by clicking on ‘Log-in (Apply on Various Posts)’ tab available on the JKSSB website.
3) Candidates are required to have a valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number for registering by clicking on “New User/Sign Up” and creating login credentials. The same shall be validated using OTP (One Time Password) based verification on e-mail and if the verification code is not working, the candidates are required to resend the verification code for account activation by clicking on “Get Activation Code”.
4) Candidates are advised to use their username only generated while registration of their application form or received with the account activation mail instead of their e-mail ID.
5) After registering/creating login credentials, the candidates shall complete their OTR (One-Time Registration) form. After the completion of OTR form, the candidates shall click on ‘Active Advertisement’ tab and then click on ‘Apply’ tab for submitting the application form for the advertised posts.
) The candidates shall carefully fill in all correct Information in various columns and click on ‘SAVE & CONTINUE’.
7) A recent and clear passport size Photograph with white background of the candidate shall be uploaded with the specifications: Size of Photograph (Max size-20 KB to 50 KB) (Height*Width=4.5*3.5 cms).
8) A clear Signature of the candidate shall be uploaded with following specifications: Size of Signature (Max size-10 KB to 20 KB) (Height*Width=1.5*3.5 cms).
9) The candidate shall ensure that all the required fields are filled up with correct information, before final submission of the application form. Candidates shall be personally responsible for filling the details in the online application form and the information/details furnished by the candidates shall be treated as final for the purpose of determining the eligibility/claims of the candidates. No claim on account of wrong/non-filling of information shall be entertained subsequently. Benefits related to category, weightage etc. shall be claimed only incase of possession of a valid, within the date certificate to this effect and no such claim shall be entertained at any subsequent stage.
10) Once submitted, the Application Form cannot be edited by the candidates. However, a candidate can cancel his/her application if wrongly filled up at any time before the last date of submission of forms, but the fee of such cancelled application form will not be remitted. In such case, a candidate can apply afresh till the last date after paying new fee.
11) Candidate’s Application will not be considered if fee is not paid for that application. Fee shall be paid only by Net banking/Debit Card/UPI/Credit Card Options. After filling in the application form, the candidates shall be shown “Pay Now” link for making online application fee payement.
12) No hard copy or print out of the application form is required to be submitted by the candidates.
13) Candidates are advised to give their preferences for the post having the same pay level (i.e. for Item Nos. 01, 02, 05, 06) and that shall be considered if combined examination is conducted for these posts.
Any person who finds difficulty in submission of application form due to technical issue or for any other reasons, shall be required to send a self- explanatory mail at [email protected] for seeking guidance, clarification etc. No other mode of grievance submission in this context would be taken into consideration. Moreover, only grievances pertaining to the active application will be replied through the mail.
Notification PDF for JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024:
Jammu Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has released a recruitment notification for 4002 vacancies of JK Police Constable Posts. Detailed terms and conditions about eligibility, educational qualification, domicile, reservation, physical standards etc. are given in the notification.
Download Official Notification PDF (JKSSB Police Constable Recruitment 2024)
Important Dates
Application Release Date: 16 July 2024
Date of Commencement for submission of Online Application Forms: 08 August 2024
Last Date for submission of Online Application Forms: 07 September 2024
Selection Process of Police Constable Recruitment 2024
The selection process consists of following three stages.
Written Test: The candidates shall be subjected to a Written Examination to arrive at the merit. However, candidates in possession of NCC Certificates shall be awarded Bonus Marks as per the provisions.
Physical Standard Test (PST): The candidates, as per their merit, shall undergo the Physical Standard Test (PST), which shall be qualifying. The number of candidates to be selected for appearing in the PST shall be six times the total number of vacancies to be filled in each category.
Physical Endurance Test (PET): The candidates, who qualify for the PST, shall be required to undergo the Physical Endurance Test (PET). The PET shall be of a qualifying nature.
The written examination will consist of objective type multiple choice questions. The questions will be set in English language only. There will be negative marking for each wrong answer to the extent of one-fourth of marks assigned to that question.