2 Kids Die Of Suffocation Inside Madrasa in Bandipora

JK News Live

2 Kids Die Of Suffocation Inside Madrasa in Bandipora

Aadil Abdullah

Bandipora, Feb 21 (KS) : Two young boys tragically lost their lives due to suffocation in a Madrasa in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Wednesday.

Sources told news agency Kashmir Scroll that two minor boys reportedly (twins) who were sleeping in a room with heating arrangements made of firewood, unfortunately passed away during the night due to suffocation inside a Madrasa at Ashtangoo village of Bandipora.

Sources said that due to the room being completely closed and the fire burning, both of them suffocated to death.

The both deceased brothers identified as Maneer Ahmad Cheche and Tanveer Ahmad Cheche sources further added.

A police officer told News Agency Kashmir Scroll that a case has been registered in this regard and further investigation has been set into motion. (KS)

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