Wife Kills husband in Srinagar, accused held

JK News Live

Wife Kills husband in Srinagar, accused held

Fazil Mir

Srinagar, June 24 (KS):- In a bizzare episode a man lost his life after he was beaten ruthlessly by his wife in central Kashmir’s Srinagar district on Saturday evening.

An official told news agency Kashmir Scroll that one Abdul Rashid Dar son of Abdul Kareem Dar of Rawathpora area of Srinagar was critically injured after beaten ruthlessly by his wife.

The officer said the injured man was immediately taken to nearby hospital where doctors declared him brought dead.

A senior police officer also confirmed news agency— Kashmir Scroll and said a case has been registered in this regard and further investigation has been set into motion.

He said that accused that is his wife has been arrested.

Pertinently, the incident has shocked the community and many are questioning the rising incidents of domestic violence in the region—(KS)

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