In Anantnag, only 35 Percent kids between 14 to 18 years able to do arithmetic test of Mathematics: ASER

JK News Live

Srinagar, Jan 17  In south Kashmir’s Anantnag district, only 35 percent of kids aged 14 to 18 years enrolled in schools are able to do the arithmetic test of Mathematics subject.

In the district, only 57 percent of students of the age group could apply unitary method to do the tasks of everyday calculations

According to the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2023 report accessed by the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), “Among all youth aged 14-18 years in Anantnag, 77.3 percent could read at least a Standard-II level text in the ASER reading test, 35.7 percent could do at least division in the ASER arithmetic test and 86.7 percent could read at least sentences in the ASER English test.”

The report said that overall, 53 percent could calculate time, 54.8 percent could measure length (hard) when the starting point is moved and 57.6 percent could apply unitary method to do the tasks of everyday calculations.

“Of those who could read at least Standard -I level text of the ASER reading test, 74.5% could read the text on a medicine packet and answer at least 3 out of 4 questions about it,” it reads.

ASER 2023 further states that in Anantnag district, of those who could do at least subtraction (ASER arithmetic test), 71.3 percent could do a task for managing a budget, 45.6 percent could apply a discount and 13.6 percent could calculate repayment.

Across most of these application-based tasks, males outperform females.

Pertinently, ASER 2023 ‘Beyond Basics’ was released on Wednesday in New Delhi today—putting the spotlight on youth aged 14 to 18 years in rural India.

In Jammu and Kashmir, the ASER 2023 survey was conducted in Anantnag by volunteers from the Human Welfare Foundation—(KNO)

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