Kashmir University
Date Sheet for Regular/Fresh Private candidates of BG 5th Semester (Batch-2020) and Backlog candidates (Batch-2016-19) (Choice Based Credit System) Session May, 2023 for Jammu & Kashmir
Date Sheet for Regular/Fresh Private candidates of BG 4th Semester (Batch-2021) and Backlog candidates of BG 4th Semester (Batch-2016-20) CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) Session May, 2023 for Jammu & Kashmir
The class work is deemed to have commenced from 25/10/2022.
2. All examinations for the backlog students from Batch 2016 onwards shall be conducted according to the latest operational syllabus provided the
title of the course is same. A separate question paper shall be served in case of change of the title of any course/paper.
3. The detailed Centre Notice will be issued separately and will be available on the University Website www.kashmiruniversity.net, www.uok.edu.in
4. Candidates can download their Roll Number Slips/Admit Cards from the University Website after the centre notice is issued.
5. Principals of all the affiliated colleges are requested to upload the practical/tutorials and skill awards before 25th of April, 2023.
6. The candidates must carry valid Identity Cards and Admit Cards with them on each day of examination for verification by the examination staff.
7. No Centre change is allowed.
No: F (DS-5
Sem (CBCS) Reg/FP/Backlog (Batch-16-20) /KU/23
Dated: 27/01/2023 Sd/-
Deputy Controller of Examinations
Copy to the:-
1) Principals of all concerned colleges;
2) Deputy Controller of Examinations (Secrecy);
3) Assistant Controller (Transit/Tabulation/Stationery/Store);
4) PRO/Media Coordinator for wide publicity through print & electronic media;
5) Sr. P.A. to Controller of Examinations for information of the Controller of Examinations;
6) Concerned System Engineer;
7) File.