JK News Live

Mir Eijaz

In the middle of the sea, we stopped our voyage. The dreadful storm, horrible currents and waves seemed like never to end. Our ship was half wrecked because of the natural calamity in the form of unending tempest.
All the ships were laden with heavy goods, essential commodities, food and fresh water. Due to which it was impossible for us to carry on our sea journey. The whole crew was accompanied with almost 5000 people, comprising of aged and young, women and children. Due to the continuous waves and currents in the sea, many of the ships lost their control and sailed off the wrong directions. Seeing the tattered conditions of the crew, the women and children began to cry loudly. In the matter of minutes, the voyage that seemed easy turned into the most horrible and disastrous one.
All the young men who were leading from the front tried to take full control of the crew. But all in vain, the heavy currents and the horrible waves of the sea began to rise and were getting out of the control. The whole voyage turned into a sob and mourn. The whole village sailing together lost all the hopes forever. Everyone seemed to loose hope and started to weep in the middle of the sea.
Meanwhile, I was with my little sister who was six years old and grandmother, who was about to turn sixty in the next month. I looked at them mercilessly because inwardly i came to know, we wouldn’t be together in some minutes. We were many people at the third floor of our half wrecked ship. I was noticing my grandma, she was the only member who looked at peace, when all the other people had almost lost their consciousnesses. I came near to her and asked, ” Is she alright?”.
She nodded with yes. My little sister was sleeping in her lap and tightly held at her arms. The whole scenario of the dreadful incident was piercing my heart. On one side, I was seeing the death at our forefeet and on the other side impossible hope..! I sat at the feet of my granny and told her, ” Natural Disasters are often merciless, they took toll of lives at no time.” She saw tears in my eyes while I was about to complete my statement. Granny took her wrinkled hands on my head and patted my shoulders. She gave me a merciful look and asked me, “Don’t frighten, Allah is with us.” She was at peace and not even a slightest of pain seemed to overcome her. Her wrinkled face looked quiet but at peace.
I was looking at my little sister, whom I loved madly and she was the most adorable child in my family. She was still in sleep. My conversation with granny extended half an hour. During the conversation, i asked her many questions and she answered all of them in a delicate and fragile manner.
I couldn’t believe her easiness and peace when all the people in the crew were hapless and dejected. She seemed to be the most peaceful member in the whole crew. In the mean time, the tempest at the sea wrecked the whole crew into many parts and all the ships lost the directions at the compass. I saw our ship floating at the horrible pace, leading us towards the opposite direction where we wouldn’t supposed to be heading. The louder sounds created by the tempest at the sea was so horrible, so all the people lost the audible access to one another. Alas! Our ship was hit by the tempest at the fastest speed and tore it into pieces. I hold hand of my granny and left the broken ship at the quickest glance. Me, My granny, along with my little sister got caught in the tempest. I tried hard to sail up to the shore, while, getting hold of my granny and little sister, but all in vain.
Alas! I only managed to save my little sister and lost the Granny in the tempest forever.
When I reached the shore along with my weeping little sister. I found the granny’s Blessings, in the form of Amulet (Taweez) tied on my forearm. Indeed, it was the same Amulet that saved me and my little sister, while Granny sacrificed herself. Almighty Allah rest her soul in peace. Ameen.
To some extent, our life challenges can be compared to the tempests, sea strom, sea currents, wrecked ships and so on, as i mentioned above. We come to so many challenges and barriers in our day to day lives. And inwardly, we know that many people have given their utmost sacrifices to provide us success flights.
We can never underestimate the sacrifices of our forefathers, parents, relatives and friends. As a writer, I strongly believe that even for a matter of seconds whosoever has sacrificed himself/herself for us is very special to us. We should respect them with the core of our hearts. They are everything for us!
The author is a freelancer and can be mailed at:

Author Profile

Mir Eijaz
Mir Eijaz With over 04 years of experience in the field of journalism, Mir Eijaz heads the editorial operations of the JK News Live as the Executive Writer

Mir Eijaz

Mir Eijaz With over 04 years of experience in the field of journalism, Mir Eijaz heads the editorial operations of the JK News Live as the Executive Writer

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