Police arrests 02 drug peddlers in Kulgam

JK News Live

February 03: Continuing its unwavering efforts to eradicate the menace of drugs from the society, Police have arrested 02 drug peddlers in Kulgam and recovered contraband substances from their possession.

A police party headed by In-charge Police Post Mirbazar during patrolling at Furrah intercepted a suspicious person, who tried to flee from the spot after noticing police party, but was apprehended tactfully. After checking, officers were able to recover 90 grams of charas from his possession. He has been identified as Zahid Ahmad Shan son of Ghulam Mohd Shan resident of Chirhama. He has been arrested and shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

Similarly, a police party of Police Station Qazigund intercepted a suspicious person identified as Mudasir Ahmad Wani Son of Abdul Rashid Wani resident of Yarhole Babapora carrying a nylon bag at Bonigam. During search, officers were able to recover 03 Kgs of Poppy Straw from his possession.  He has been arrested and shifted to police station where he remains in custody.

Accordingly, cases under relevant sections of law stands registered in Police Station Qazigund and investigations have been initiated.

General public is requested to come forward or Dial 112 with any information regarding drug peddling/anti-social activity in their vicinity and extend their cooperation to Police in eradicating the drug menace from the society

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