SVEEP programme empowers Tribal Voters at GHS Anderwan

JK News Live

Lok Sabha Elections 2024

SVEEP programme empowers Tribal Voters at GHS Anderwan

GANDERBAL, APRIL 03: In yet another endeavor of heralding the importance of democratic right to vote, SVEEP (Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation) awareness programme was today organized at Government High School Anderwan targeting the tribal population there.

The programme proved to be a pivotal platform for empowering tribal voters.

Led by District Level Master Trainers (DLMTs), teachers, Anganwadi Workers (AWWs), AAYAs, and students, the event emphasized the importance of democratic participation.

Tribal populations in Anderwan were urged to actively engage in the upcoming general Lok Sabha Elections 2024, underscoring their role in shaping the nation’s future.

The programme fostered a culture of electoral awareness and responsibility among attendees, particularly the tribal community.

DLMTs played a crucial role in educating participants about the significance of their voting rights and the impact of their involvement in the democratic process.

Through interactive sessions and impassioned pleas, the audience was encouraged to embrace their civic duty with fervor and dedication, paving the way for positive change in their society.

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